Thursday, August 23, 2012


So I've totally bitten off more than I can chew. And I don't just mean the huge cheeseburgers they have here.

Maybe I'm not as strong as I thought I was. I just wanna curl up into a little ball and hide in a hotel room for the rest of the holiday.

I wanna go home.

- Amelia

PS Maybe this is the third day blues talking. Or the fact that I haven't been this long without my babies. Ever. And there are so many cute kids here. And I know my babies are missing me.

PPS ...and we just got lost for like an hour, in the dark, late at night, and it theres so many freaky people
...and I felt like Dorothy from Wizard of Oz, if her shoes gave her mad blisteres, and had a huge panic attack which lasted a good half hour.

So maybe that's why I feel terrible.

And maybe tomorrow I'll feel better.

But right now I'm happy sitting in my little corner.


- Chad

As you can guess we had a bit of a crappy night (but getting lost will do that to you I suppose!).

The day started off great. It wasn't too hot, only 22 degrees today, and we went to the hollywood museum.

The museum was pretty awesome! They had props and memorabilia from heaps of movies. They had a whole floor for the Marilyn Monroe exhibit which was actually interesting for me too.

The best part though was the hannibal lecter jail cell. This was an exact replica of the set used in the movie silence of the lambs. It was pretty creepy.

We then went next door to Mel's Diner which was based on the diner from the movie American Graffiti. Mealz order a cocktail (which cost only $5!!!). After drinking half she was a bit tipsy.
It was quite funny to watch to be honest.

After lunch we then went off to Santa Monica. This meant another highway drive, but I didn't almost kill us this time.
We booked into our hotel and went walking down on the beach.

The beach was great! We walked to the pier and went on a rollercoaster ride there. We both went round saying how boring it was compared to the rides at Disneyland and then...BAM!!! We went up and down so fast we went weightless! We spent the rest of the ride cracking up. We then played a game at the fair (basketball shooting of course). I won mealz a little turtle stuffed toy :)

We then hit the shops. By this time we were both sore from the blisters on our feet and the long walk to the main shops but we persevered.

We got some great bargains! I got Jordan basketball shoes for $100 US dollars. The same shoes would have cost me over $300 in NZ!! Bargain!

Mealz also got clothes and more shoes :)

We then went to Wolfgang Pucks for Pasta and Chicken Tenders. It was really good food.

We set off for home after this and that's when things went downhill. We walked and walked and walked some more. I checked the street numbers and thought we'd gone the wrong way. After another 30 minutes we found I was wrong - Yep, a man wrong about where he was going! Who would guess?

We finally hailed a cab and got back to the hotel in one piece.

So now it's good bye LA, and here we come San Francisco!!!!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you are having a great time !!! very jealous shooting bliss xox travel safe.
